If you see me at VidCon, say hi and get a bracelet!

Hey there! If you happen to be attending VidCon next week in Anaheim, California, I’ve got something exciting to share with you. My name is Holly Auna, and I have been busy crafting these adorable rubber ducky friendship bracelets. So far, I’ve made a whopping 42 bracelets, and I’m not stopping there!

Here’s the deal: I’ll be watching the movie Tangled during VidCon, and I’ve set a goal to create even more bracelets while enjoying the film. From the moment Rapunzel gets kidnapped to the iconic scene where she finally cuts her hair short, I’ll be crafting away. And here’s the best part – if you spot me at VidCon, just come say hi, and I’ll happily gift you one of these cute ducky bracelets. So let’s make this VidCon even more memorable with a little touch of friendship. Can’t wait to meet you!”


Hey there! Are you excited about VidCon? Well, I’ve got some exciting news for you. I’ve been busy making bracelets for VidCon, and I can’t wait to share them with you. In this article, I’ll take you through my bracelet-making journey while watching one of my favorite Disney movies, Tangled. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let me tell you all about the magical experience I had while creating these bracelets.

Making Bracelets at VidCon

Initial Bracelet Count

Let’s start at the beginning. When I first started making the bracelets for VidCon, I had a goal in mind – to create as many bracelets as I possibly could. So far, I’ve made 42 rubber ducky friendship bracelets. That’s a pretty impressive number, but I knew there was room for more.

Watching Tangled and Making Bracelets

To make the bracelet-making process even more enjoyable, I decided to watch one of my favorite Disney movies, Tangled, while crafting. I mean, what could be better than immersing yourself in the world of Rapunzel while creating beautiful bracelets? As the movie unfolded, so did my creativity.

Bracelet Count Updates

Throughout the movie, I kept track of my progress. Here’s how it went:

  • After Rapunzel got kidnapped, I completed my first bracelet, bringing the count to 43.
  • When Rapunzel arrived at the Snuggly Duckling, I had finished 10 more bracelets, making it a total of 53.
  • The moment Maximus joined Rapunzel’s team, I had crafted 15 more bracelets, reaching a count of 68.
  • As Rapunzel saw the light, my bracelet count increased to 70.
  • When Rapunzel revealed her short hair, my final bracelet count was 72.

Rapunzel’s Journey and Bracelet Count

Rapunzel Gets Kidnapped

In Tangled, we follow the incredible journey of Rapunzel, a young princess with magical golden hair. Her adventure begins when she gets kidnapped by Mother Gothel, a woman who wants to keep Rapunzel’s healing powers to herself. As I watched this captivating scene, I couldn’t help but be inspired to keep crafting more bracelets.

First Bracelet Completed

While Rapunzel navigated her way through the world outside her tower, I carefully weaved thread after thread, creating a masterpiece of friendship bracelets. It was during this part of the movie that I finished my first bracelet. It was a small victory, but it fueled my determination to keep going.

Arrival at the Snuggly Duckling

When Rapunzel arrived at the Snuggly Duckling, a notorious den for thugs and outcasts, I found myself feeling excited and motivated. As the characters in the movie sang their hearts out, I crafted ten more beautiful bracelets. The atmosphere was electric, and my bracelet count soared.

Maximus Joins the Team

As Maximus, the valiant horse with a heart of gold, joined Rapunzel’s team, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of creativity. Inspired by their newfound friendship, I delicately intertwined the threads, adding fifteen more bracelets to my growing collection. It was a joyous milestone on my bracelet-making journey.

Rapunzel Sees the Light

One of the most iconic moments in Tangled is when Rapunzel sees the light, both metaphorically and literally. As she discovers her true identity and embraces her magical powers, I too was basking in the glow of creativity. At this stage, I had crafted a total of 70 bracelets, and with each new one, I felt a little spark of inspiration.

Rapunzel with Short Hair

As the movie drew to a close, we witnessed Rapunzel’s final transformation – her beautiful long hair was cut short. This marked a significant turning point in her life, and it also coincided with me completing 27 bracelets. I must admit, I was a little too emotional to continue crafting at that moment, but I knew my journey wasn’t over just yet.

Invitation to VidCon Attendees

VidCon Next Week in Anaheim, California

Now that you know all about my crafting adventure while watching Tangled, it’s time to reveal a surprise. VidCon is just around the corner, and if you’re going to be there, I would love to meet you. VidCon will be held next week in Anaheim, California, and it’s going to be a blast!

Come Say Hi and Get a Bracelet

If you spot me at VidCon, don’t be shy – come say hi! As a token of appreciation for your support, I’ll be giving away these amazing rubber ducky friendship bracelets. Each bracelet is unique and crafted with love. So why not come by and grab one for yourself? Let’s celebrate the magic of VidCon together!


And there you have it – my bracelet-making journey during a Tangled movie marathon. It was a delightful experience filled with creativity, inspiration, and the beautiful story of Rapunzel. From the moment she got kidnapped to the bittersweet goodbye with her long hair, I crafted a total of 28 bracelets.

If you’re attending VidCon next week, I hope to see you there. Stop by, say hi, and receive one of these special bracelets as a symbol of friendship and appreciation. Let’s make VidCon a memorable event together!